It has been a while since my return from Turkey in May 2012, and due to a busy schedule I have been unable to update this blog with details, anyway I hope to have a bit of spare time over the next few weeks, so here goes. For regular readers to the is blog, this trip followed the same itinerary as the trip in 2011, it was an Ornitholidays trip, co-guided by Mitko Petrakiev and me. We started in the Göksu Delta, before moving onto Curkurbag Village in the Taurus Mountains, Gaziantep and finally Birecik. I kept a daily diary and took many pictures so here goes with the first installment!
30th April
Our trip commenced with an
early morning flight from Heathrow’s Terminal 3 to Istanbul in Turkey, followed
by an onward connection to the southern Turkish airport of Adana.
Unfortunately, due to a 30 minute delay with our flight leaving Heathrow and a
further 30 minute delay landing at Istanbul, we missed our onward connection.
However, due to some extremely efficient ground staff at Istanbul, and by
negotiating our passage through the fast track system at Turkish Immigration,
we were swiftly booked onto the next flight to Adana. A further delay with this
onward flight meant that by the time we arrived at Adana it was almost dark, and after the three hour drive to Tasuçu there was no time for any birding.
Tuesday 1st May
Our first day was spent around the Göksu Delta, and after the trials and tribulations of the previous day we opted for a leisurely start. The Göksu Delta is one of the
most important areas in the region for breeding birds, with over 300 species
recorded, and it was our intention to start in the west at a watchtower
overlooking a large brackish lagoon and head east along the northern shores of
the Mediterranean Sea. Our approach to the lagoon took us over several
irrigation canals where we saw our first Little Bittern, Eurasian and
Great Reed Warblers, followed by a single Woodchat Shrike and a fall of Lesser Grey and Red-backed
Red-backed Shrike |
The scrub around the watchtower was busy with migrants and supported Black Francolins, Lesser Whitethroats,
Common Nightingales, Whinchats, Graceful Prinias and Barred Warblers. Continuing along the track we picked up more Red-backed and
Lesser Grey Shrikes, our first Masked Shrikes, before we noticed a pale and
washed out individual that turned out to be an Isabelline Shrike. This bird
gave good views within an area of burnt scrub, before disappearing for long
periods, only to appear again in the same place just when we had given up any further hope of seeing it. Isabelline Shrike is a vagrant to this area so we
were very pleased to have seen it and hoped that it was good omen for the rest
of the day.
Lesser Grey Shrike |
The bird life present on the lagoon was fairly limited with
a few Red-crested Pochards, Ruddy Shelduck and six Black-necked Grebes on the
water, whilst Grey and Purple Herons and a lone Eurasian Spoonbill stood in it.
Several Marsh Harriers hunted in the distance and a mixed flock of White-winged
Black and Black Terns flitted back and forth over the exposed water. A scan of
the scrub from the watchtower produced some prolonged views of Black Francolin,
more Lesser Grey and Red-backed Shrikes, White-spectacled Bulbuls, Blackcaps
and another glimpse of the Isabelline Shrike.
Spur-winged Plover |
Continuing in an easterly direction along the
southern edge of the lagoon, we saw many Spur-winged Plovers, and occasional migrants which included European Roller and Rufous Bush Robin. A prolonged stop at a known site for
Marbled Duck, failed to locate this species but produced a wealth of others. Most notably was an abundance of Thrush
Nightingales. There were at least 20 birds flicking in and out of the bushes
chasing and croaking at each other. Spotted Flycatchers were also present in large numbers, along with Willow Warblers and Chiffchaffs, Common Redstarts and a lone Black-eared Wheatear.
Thrush Nightingale |
We continued our journey east, scanning the
brackish pools as we went, Yellow Wagtails of the race Motacilla flava feldegg were numerous, but wader were very scarce, with only three
Wood Sandpipers, a single Little Ringed Plover and a handful of Kentish Plovers recorded. We headed down to a small fishing creek and immediately picked up a couple of Stone Curlews and six Eurasian Curlews.
A scan from a mound at the end of the track produced another Curlew,
a couple of Greenshank and Redshank, five Bar-tailed Godwits and two cracking
summer plumaged Broad-billed Sandpipers. Continuing east we stopped to scan a flock of birds roosting on
another sand spit, this flock included Slender-billed Gulls, Sandwich Terns, a
couple of Black-headed Gulls and a Grey Plover, whilst in the field behind us,
a small flock of Greater Short-toed Larks fed.
Stone Curlew |
had information about a small colony of Audouin’s Gulls breeding in the local
area so we decided to check it out. Our destination was at the end of a series
of small tracks which headed out across the marsh so we proceeded with caution,
as the track was quite uneven and wet in places. Our first bird was a surprise
in the form of a Common Crane, an immature bird that wasn’t in the best
plumage, but a great bird nonetheless. Continuing on, the track opened up onto
an area of tidal sand that was not safe to drive on, so we parked our vehicles
and walked to the waters edge. The sea was easy to scan in the mill pond
conditions and we quickly picked up a small group of four Bottle-nosed Dolphins that lazily swam east.
Scanning along the foreshore produced better numbers of waders than what we had seen all day, including Kentish, Ringed, and Grey Plovers
and a small flock of Little Stints, and undoubtedly the best find of the day...a Lesser Sand Plover. We
were fortunate to have the other plover species present for size comparison,
but even without them there was no mistaking this birds’ identity. It appeared
to be in full summer plumage and showed a complete black band over the eyes and
forehead enabling us to identify as the race Charadrius mongolus pamirensis. Apparently there are no confirmed
records of this species in Turkey, unfortunately we were unable to get pictures
to prove it, but at least the whole group got to see it.
With the light fading fast we headed back to our hotel, glimpsing another Black Francolin and the Common Crane again, on the way.
To be continued.....