I has a strange feeling today that something good was going to be caught at the Haven, I don't know why, but just had a sixth sense. Barry was ringing and Duncan and I were both at work, but I kept my phone close just is case.
Unbeknown to me Barry was feeling quietly optimistic, with south easterly winds and clear overnight skies, conditions were perfect for an arrival of autumn migrants. We have been hoping for something big, after the Pallas' Grasshopper Warbler of last year and the influx of Western Bonelli's Warblers and Barred Warblers throughout the country this year and we (well Barry) were not disappointed.
Barry quotes "As first light came at 5.30am the low scrub and reeds in our ringing area was alive with the calls of newly arrived warblers, mainly Blackcaps, Sedge Warblers and Reed Warblers, with lesser numbers of Chiffchaffs, Whitethroats and the trickling liquid calls of Grasshopper Warblers. Then whilst carrying out a net round at 8.45am, shortly before ending the morning's session, we came across a large warbler among a number of Blackcaps high up in one of the nets. Identification was not immediate as the sun was in our eyes but on lowering the net for extracting the birds we were pleased to find the Haven's first Barred Warbler."
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Barred Warbler - Titchfield Haven (Photo: B Duffin) |
Unfortunately, at this point I was away from my phone and missed the text; being only 10 minutes away I could have easily have made it.
Not only is this the first recorded at the Haven, but also it is the first ever ringed in Hampshire, and a species that would have been new for me in the County........as you can imagine I was gutted to have missed it.
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